Hama 3,000 Beads in a Tub


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Hama 3,000 Beads in a Tub comes with approximately 3,000 assorted beads in the following colours; 01 – White, 03- Yellow, 04-Orange, 05-Red, 06-Pink, 07-Purple, 09-Light Blue, 10-Green, 11-Light Green and 18-Black.

Midi Beads have a 5mm diameter and are the most popular size Hama Beads.  Age 5 years – adult.

Educational Benefits: 

  • develops creativity
  • develops fine motor skills
  • develops visual skills
  • therapeutic and calming

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5-7 years, 8-12 years


Creativity, Fine motor skills, Matching, Visual Skills


Hama Beads